Personal Income - Supplementary Information

For detailed information on Data Availability, see Regional Data Table Availability.

Last updated: March 29, 2024-- new statistics for 2023:Q4; revised statistics for 2020:Q1-2023:Q3. The next quarterly personal income news release is scheduled for March 24, 2021.

To retrieve and display statistics, charts, and maps please use the interactive data application.

Last updated: March 29, 2024-- new statistics for 2023; revised statistics for 2020-2022. The next annual personal income news release is scheduled for March 24, 2021.

To retrieve and display statistics, charts, and maps please use the interactive data application.

Last updated: November 16, 2023-- new statistics for 2022; revised statistics for 1979-2021. The next local area personal income news release is scheduled for November 16, 2021.

To retrieve and display statistics, charts, and maps please use the interactive data application.

Additional tables

  • Personal income and per capita personal income, 2019-2021, with year 2021 rankings of per capita personal income.
  • 250 highest and lowest per capita personal incomes of the 3113 counties in the United States, 2021
  • County and MSA rankings in the United States for per capita personal income and personal income