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Using the FAQ database

All FAQs are displayed when first visiting the page. They are ordered by most recent or recently updated and can be filtered by keyword search term, by category, and by manually selecting the page number buttons. To view any FAQ, click on the title to open the answer. Submitting a question is done by selecting the “Ask a question” tab along the top of the FAQ.

Selecting an FAQ

Clicking on the title of the FAQ will bring up the answer to the FAQ. Navigating back to the list of FAQs is done by selecting the tab “Back to FAQs”. A tab to ask a question specifically about this FAQ can be found at the top of the answer. Also, the FAQ id and date this FAQ was created or last modified is shown in the upper right hand corner.

Searching the FAQs

Enter a keyword search term and click the Search button to narrow FAQ selections. To return to all FAQs, click the Clear button or clear the keyword search field and click the Search button.

Filtering FAQs by category

Chose the category to filter by and click Apply button. This will display only the FAQs related to an assigned category. To return to all FAQs click the Clear button next to the search by keyword field or select ALL from the drop down menu and click Apply button.