The release of the following estimates marks the completion of the most recent comprehensive revision of the NIPA’s: Revised NIPA estimates for 1929–58, revised estimates of reproducible tangible wealth for 1929–95, and revised and newly available NIPA estimates of selected series for 1959–96 that reflect the work undertaken to complete the 1929–58 NIPA and 1929–95 wealth estimates. For 1929–58, the growth rate of real GDP is revised up from 2.8 percent to 3.4 percent, and the average annual increase of GDP prices is revised down from 2.4 percent to 1.9 percent; these revisions largely reflect the introduction of BEA’s new chain-type measures. Beginning with 1959, the revisions to the annual changes of both real GDP and GDP prices are small; national income and personal income are revised up to reflect the revisions to the wealth estimates.

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