October 4, 2016

Growth in state personal consumption expenditures (PCE) – the measure of goods and services purchased by or on behalf of households – decelerated to 3.6 percent in 2015 from 4.4 percent in 2014. In 2015, growth in PCE was largely concentrated in the Far West and Rocky Mountain regions.

Map of US
  • In 2015, growth in total PCE ranged from 1.5 percent in Wyoming to 5.0 percent Florida.
  • Health care was the leading contributor to growth in total PCE by state. Health care expenditures grew on average 6.0 percent. They grew fastest in Oregon (9.2%), Colorado (8.9%), and North Dakota (8.2%) and contributed more than 1.0 percentage points to the total PCE growth in these states.
  • Housing and utilities was the second largest contributor to growth in total PCE by state. Housing and utilities expenditures grew on average 4.2 percent. They grew fastest in North Dakota (8.6%), Florida (5.9%), and Colorado (5.9%) and contributed more than 1.0 percentage point to total PCE growth in these states.
  • Across all states and the District of Columbia, per capita total PCE in 2015 was $38,196. It ranged from a high of $49,717 in Massachusetts to a low of $29,330 in Mississippi.

For more information, read the full report.