Photo of Dylan Rassier.

Chief National Accounts Research Group

Dylan Rassier


University of Kansas
University of South Dakota
Senior Economist
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Senior Associate
Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Valuing Stocks and Flows of Data for the U.S. Business Sector
BEA Advisory Committee Meeting, Virtual
Valuing Stocks and Flows of Data for the U.S. Business Sector
OECD WPMADE-WPNA Workshop on Measuring the Value of Data, Virtual
"Free" Products in the Core SNA and in Satellite Accounts
16th Meeting of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts, Virtual
Multinational Profit Shifting and Economic Accounting Measurement
International Conference on Establishment Statistics IV, Virtual
Valuation of Data for the U.S. Economy
OECD Informal Advisory Group on Measuring GDP in the Digital Economy, Virtual
Update on the Treatment of "Free" Digital Products
UNECE Group of Experts on National Accounts, Virtual
Improved Measures of Housing Services for the U.S. Accounts
BEA Advisory Committee, Virtual
Data Stocks and Flows in the U.S. National Accounts
Journal of Information Systems Data Value Creation Workshop, Virtual
Treatment of Multinational Enterprises in Macroeconomic Statistics
14th Meeting of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts, Virtual
Indicators of Health Care in the System of National Accounts
14th Meeting of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts, Virtual
Indicators of Health Care in the System of National Accounts
IARIW Digital Session on the SNA Update, Virtual
Defining the Digital Economy
G20 Workshop on the Measurement of the Digital Economy, Virtual
Measuring Private Data Collection for the U.S. Economy
OECD Working Party on National Accounts, Paris France
Improving Measures of Housing Services in BEA’s Accounts
BEA Advisory Committee, Washington DC
Toward a Digital Economy Satellite Account for the United States
Central Bank of Chile Third Statistics Conference, Santiago Chile
Treatment and Valuation of Data in National Accounts
OECD Advisory Group on Measuring GDP in a Digitalized Economy, Paris France
Toward a Measurement Framework for Data
OECD Informal Advisory Group on Measuring GDP in a Digitalized Economy, Paris France
Offshore Profit Shifting and Domestic Productivity Measurement
Southern Economic Association 88th Annual Meetings, Washington DC
Statistical Work on Digital Economy for the U.S. National Accounts
UNSD-NBS Seminar on the Digital Economy, Beijing China
Accounting for Special District Governments in the U.S. National Accounts
IARIW 35th General Conference, Copenhagen Denmark
Multinational Enterprise Structuring and Measurement in Economic Accounts
CMFB Workshop on Globalization, Vienna Austria
Multinational Profit Shifting and Measures throughout Economic Accounts
NBER-CRIW Conference, Washington DC
Offshore Profit Shifting and Domestic Productivity Measurement
Brookings Institution Oscar E. Kiessling Seminar Series, Washington DC
Characteristics of Special Purpose Entities in Measures of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad
Industry Studies Conference, Washington DC
Fair Value Accounting and Measures of U.S. Corporate Profits for Financial Institutions
IARIW 34th General Conference, Dresden Germany
Bringing Actuarial Measures of Defined Benefit Pensions into the U.S. National Accounts
Eurostat/ILO/IMF/OECD Workshop on Pensions, Paris France
Characteristics of Special Purpose Entities in Measures of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad
ASSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco CA
Characteristics of Special Purpose Entities in Measures of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad
FCSM Research Conference, Washington DC
Improving the SNA Treatment of Transactions within Multinational Enterprises
IARIW-OECD Special Conference on “W(h)ither the SNA?”, Paris France
Accounting for Transactions Attributable to Special Purpose Entities of Multinational Enterprises
OECD Investment Division, Paris France
Fair Value Accounting and Measures of U.S. Corporate Profits for Financial Institutions
Southern Economic Association 84th Annual Meetings, Atlanta GA
Accounting for Transactions Attributable to Special Purpose Entities of Multinational Enterprises
IARIW 33rd General Conference, Rotterdam Netherlands
Accounting for Intellectual Property Products
The National IP Laboratory, New York NY
Fair Value Accounting and Measures of U.S. Corporate Profits for Financial Institutions
FCSM Research Conference, Washington DC
Factoryless Goods Producers in the U.S. Accounts
Federal Economic Statistics Advisory Committee, Washington DC
Typology of Global Production Arrangements
Meeting of the Group of Experts on National Accounts, Geneva Switzerland
A Formulary Approach for Attributing Measured Output to Foreign Affiliates
Conference on Measuring the Effects of Globalization, Washington DC
The Role of Profits and Income in the Statistical Discrepancy
BEA Advisory Committee, Washington DC
Implementing a Reconciliation and Balancing Model in the U.S. Industry Accounts
FCSM Research Conference, Crystal City VA
Implementing a Reconciliation and Balancing Model in the U.S. Industry Accounts
NBER Conference on Research on Income and Wealth, Cambridge MA
Referee, Contemporary Economic Policy
Referee, Economics and Statistics (Economie et Statistique)
Referee, Economic Systems Research
Referee, Environmental and Resource Economics
Referee, International Productivity Monitor
Referee, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Referee, Journal of Economics and International Finance
Referee, Kansas Policy Review
Award, Steve Landefeld Award for Innovation, Bureau of Economic Analysis
Award, Silver Medal Award, U.S. Department of Commerce
Award, Bronze Medal Award, U.S. Department of Commerce
Award, Bronze Medal Award, U.S. Department of Commerce
Affiliate, International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW)
Affiliate, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
Affiliate, American Economic Association (AEA)