BEA added two questions to the BE-605 survey beginning in first quarter 2020 to collect information on the currency composition of intercompany debt receivable and payable balances between U.S. affiliates and their affiliated foreign group. The U.S. dollar value of the debt denominated in euros, yen, and other currencies should be reported. Do not report the foreign currency value of the debt. The sum of the currency information should equal the total end of quarter balance reported in the previous question.

For example:

Company A has $400,000 in debt payables with its affiliate foreign group denominated in four currencies:

faq1404 table

Company A should report the values in column 3 to BEA. The total payables should be reported as the end of quarter payable balance in question 19 C and the currency information should be reported in questions 20 A – D as shown in column 4 and below. Any payables denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollar, euro, and yen should be summed together and reported in 20 D.


faq1404  Form


Company B has $300,000 in debt receivables with its affiliated foreign group denominated in four currencies:

faq1404  table

Company B should report the values in column 3 to BEA. The total receivables should be reported as the end of quarter receivable balance in question 21 C and the currency information should be reported in questions 22 A – D as shown in column 4 and below. Any receivables denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollar, euro, and yen should be summed together and reported in 22 D.


faq1404 form


Please note that while BEA's surveys are mandatory and businesses are required by law to respond, the contents of these guidance documents do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. These documents are intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or Department policies.

