BEA has a long history of supporting Work Life Balance. According to the Partnership for Public Service's Best Places to Work Rankings, BEA has scored in the top quartile in the category of Work Life Balance every year in their dataset, going back to 2012, which reflects our long-standing culture of accomplishing our mission while taking care of our workforce. Employees are actively involved in providing feedback into the operations of the agency, which has helped us become a pioneer in adopting work environments and schedules that allow us to build and maintain our collegial culture of collaboration while providing extensive flexibilities to staff.


All BEA positions are considered telework eligible, and we have been operating in a hybrid environment with options for recurring telework for nearly a decade. In recent Federal Employee Viewpoint Surveys, the overwhelming majority of BEA employees reported satisfaction with BEA's telework opportunities

Flexible Work Schedules

BEA offers multiple flexible work schedules to help meet employees' work-life needs. Options include flexible schedules like the Gliding and Max-flex schedules that give employees flexibility in their start and end times and the ability to take mid-day breaks in their work. Compressed work schedules are also available where employees work 9 (with one 8 hour day) or 10 hour days in order to have 1 or 2 days off per pay period. A majority of BEA employees who responded to the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey said they participate in one of the Alternative Work Schedule options and nearly all reported they were satisfied with the program.