Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account, U.S. and States, 2022
The value added of the outdoor recreation economy accounted for 2.2 percent ($563.7 billion) of current‐dollar gross domestic product (GDP) for the nation in 2022. At the state level, value added for outdoor recreation as a share of state GDP ranged from 5.6 percent in Hawaii to 1.4 percent in Connecticut. The share was 0.9 percent in the District of Columbia.
- Current Release: November 17, 2023
- Next Release: November 2024
Browse the MapGet an overview of outdoor recreation economic activity across all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
- Data is available for all 50 states and DC.
- Download All State Summary Sheets Zipped | PDF
Contains workbooks for every state and D.C. - State Data for 2017-2022
- Outdoor Recreation Commodities-List
- Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account: National and State Statistics 2012-2020
- Presentation: Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account: National and State Statistics 2012-2019 (PowerPoint)
- Detailed Poster: How Big is the Outdoor Recreation Economy?
- Infographic: How Big is Outdoor Rec?
- Bicycling: What’s included in output by activity?
- Boating: What does value added measure?
- Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account: Updated Statistics, 2012-2016 Capitol Hill Briefing, September 2018
- Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account BEA Advisory Committee Meeting, November 2017
- Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account: Recreation by the Numbers Federal Visitation and Economic Data Seminar, September 2017
- Legislative Background: Outdoor Recreation Jobs and Economic Impact Act of 2016 Public Law 114–249 114th Congress, December 2016
- Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account: New Statistics for 2022 and Updated Statistics for 2017–2021
- Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account: New Statistics for 2021 and Updated Statistics for 2017–2020 | SCB, February 2023
- New Statistics for 2021 and Updated Statistics for 2017–2020 Survey of Current Business, February 2023
- Introducing the Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account Survey of Current Business, March 2018
- New Data Project: Measuring the Economic Impact of Outdoor Recreation
- How does the Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account (ORSA) compare with industry economic impact reports?
- Can the Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account (ORSA) show how much outdoor recreation contributed to the economy as a percent of GDP?
- What is gross output by industry and how does it differ from gross domestic product (or value added) by industry?
- What is a satellite account?
- How is the outdoor recreation economy captured in the core statistics currently produced by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)?
- Will the Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account (ORSA) have regional as well as national level estimates?
What is the Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account?
Measures the economic activity as well as the sales or receipts generated by outdoor recreational activities, such as fishing and RVing. These statistics also measure each industry’s production of outdoor goods and services and its contribution to U.S. GDP. Industry breakdowns of outdoor employment and compensation are also included.
Contact Personnel
TechnicalStanislaw Rzeznik (Regional)
TechnicalConnor Franks (National)
MediaConnie O’Connell