• If you are filing using the eFile system, you may update the information directly on the Survey Report Homepage.
  • If you are submitting a paper copy, you may cross out the incorrect information at the top of the front page of the survey (for those who were mailed a printed version of the survey) and write in the new address and contact name.
  • If you only received a letter from BEA:
    • you may cross out the incorrect information at the top of the letter, write in the new address and contact name, and email BEA a copy of the letter at BE-140help@bea.gov.
    • and you are filing using the eFile system, you may update the information directly on the Survey Report Homepage.
    • and you are filing using the fillable PDF on the BE-140 webpage, you may provide the new address and contact name on the top of the front page of the survey.
  • You may call (301) 278-9303 and we will update this information for you.