An official website of the United States government
How does the Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account (ORSA) compare with industry economic impact reports?
What is a satellite account?
How can the United States direct investment position abroad or the foreign direct investment position in the United States be negative?
Are Puerto Rico and the U.S. Territories included in the estimates of U.S. GDP?
I do not meet BE-12 filing requirements. Do I have to file a BE-12 survey?
May I have an extension of the due date for filing the BE-12 survey?
I need to file a BE-12 or BE-15 survey, but I do not have an ID number.
Will I receive a BE-12 form in the mail?
I don't have an EIN. How should I complete this question on BEA surveys?
Are there exceptions to the consolidation rules when filing a BE-12 report?
I am reporting for a private fund. Do I have to file a BE-12?
What are the effects of the Volkswagen settlements on GDP and the national accounts?
In the list of potentially affected private fund foreign affiliates provided by BEA, one (or more) of the entities included has been seized, liquidated, expropriated, or sold; what should I do?
I believe I have entities affected by the change to survey reporting requirements for private funds, but BEA has not contacted me regarding my potentially affected entities, what should I do?
How will BEA use the Census Bureau's new Advance Quarterly Services Report in its estimates?
What surveys are affected by the change to reporting requirements for private funds?
How do I know if I have entities affected by the change to survey reporting requirements for private funds?
When does the change to survey reporting requirements for private funds become effective?
What is a holding company?
What is a private fund?