An official website of the United States government
How do losses recovered from foreign insurance companies following natural or man-made disasters affect foreign transactions, the current account balance, and net lending or net borrowing?
How is the release of Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) oil following a natural disaster such as Hurricane Katrina treated in the NIPAs?
Where can I access data on a specific industry, or specific companies within an industry?
Where can I get help on using the interactive I-O tables?
Where can I find I-O information about specific cities, states, or regions?
Where can I find detailed sales information?
Where can I find detailed investment data by industry?
I need data that is more detailed than is available on your Web site. Where should I look?
Where can I find detailed employee compensation information?
Where can I find information about shipments and receipts of different industries?
Where can I find data on number (quantity) of goods (as opposed to value of goods) sold?
What is the I-O commodity composition of the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) Private Equipment categories?
What is the I-O commodity composition of the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) PCE categories?
What are redefinitions, and where are they described?
Is the I-O table on an establishment or a firm basis?
How can I convert data from producers' to purchasers' prices?
Where can I find trade and transportation margin data?
What are requirement tables, and how are they formed?
Why are no government purchases shown as intermediate inputs?
Where can I find definitions of commonly used I-O terms?