BEA introduced a new presentation of the International Transactions Accounts (ITAs) on June 18, 2014, a new presentation of the International Investment Position (IIP) accounts on June 30, 2014, and a new presentation of International Services on October 17, 2014. These new presentations reflect a comprehensive restructuring of the international economic accounts that enhances the quality and usefulness of the accounts and brings the accounts into closer alignment with international guidelines. For additional information, please see:

General information

International Transactions Accounts

Trade in Goods and Services

International Services

International Investment Position

Additional BEA Articles

Additional information on BEA’s plans to implement new international statistical standards and other improvements.

Related Information

International Accounts
(General information)
Comprehensive Restructuring

For more information regarding the comprehensive restructuring of the International Economic Accounts, please contact:

Paul Farello
(301) 278-9561 |