Photo of Baoline Chen.

Research Economist

Baoline Chen


Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana
University of International Business & Economics, Beijing, China
Senior Research Economist
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Associate Professor of Economics (Tenured)
Rutgers University, Camden, NJ
Assistant Professor of Economics
Rutgers University, Camden, NJ
Visiting Professor of Economics
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Visiting Professor of Economics
Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME
Associate Instructor of Economics
Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Teaching assistant
Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN
The Statistical Reconciliation of Time Series of Accounts between Two Benchmark Revisions alexander.minor Mon, 12/17/2018 - 10:13
External Paper/Article



Baoline Chen , Thomas F. Howells III , Marco Marini , and Tommaso Di Fonzo

Statistica Neerlandica, Vol. 72, no. 4, 533-552

Nowcasting Advance Quarterly Estimates of Personal Consumption of Services in the U.S. National Accounts
The 5th International Conference of the Society for Economic Measurement (SEM), Xiamen, China
Improving Accuracy of Early Quarterly Estimates of GDP Components in the U.S. National Accounts
The 8th International Conference on Computational Econometric in Economics and Finance, London, UK
The Statistical Reconciliation of Time Series of Accounts between Two Benchmark Revisions
The 69th World Congress on the International Statistical Institute, Marrakech, Morocco
The Statistical Reconciliation of Time Series of Accounts between Two Benchmark Revision
Special International Workshop on Semi-Automatic Reconciliation of Large System of National Accounts sponsored by Statistics of Netherlands, Den Hague, Netherlands
Weighted-covariance Factor Decomposition of VARMA Models: Applied to U.S. Monthly- Quarterly Macroeconomic Data
The 3rd International Conference of the Society for Economic Measurement, Thessaloniki, Greece
Simultaneous Reconciliation of Large Disaggregated Time Series of Accounts after a Benchmark Revision with an Application to the U.S. Input-output Accounts
The 2nd Conference of the Society for Economic Measurement, OECD, Paris, France
Simultaneous Reconciliation of Large Disaggregated Time Series of Accounts after a Benchmark Revision with an Application to the U.S. Input-output Accounts
The 2015 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) of the American Statistical Association (ASA), Seattle, Washington
Statistical Reconciliation of Time Series of Accounts after a Benchmark Revision
The 18th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Statistical Reconciliation of Time Series of Accounts after A Benchmark Revision
The 1st Conference of the Society of Economic Measurement, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Statistical Procedures for Reconciling Time Series of Large Systems of Accounts Subject to Low-Frequency Benchmarks
The 2013 Joint Statistical Meetings of the ASA, Montreal, Canada
Restoring Accounting Constraints in Time Series of U.S. Industry Accounts
The 2012 Joint Statistical Meetings of the ASA, San Diego, CA
Restoring Accounting Constraints in Time Series of U.S. Industry Accounts
The 2012 ASSA, Government Economist Society Section
Balanced System of U.S. National Accounts and Structural Distribution of the Aggregate Statistical Discrepancy
The 19th International Input-Output Conference, Alexandria, VA
Restoring Accounting Constraints in Time Series for the U.S. National Accounts
The 17th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, San Francesco, CA.
Further Model-Based Estimates of U.S. Total Manufacturing Production Capital and Technology, 1949-2005
The 2011 Joint Statistical Meetings of the ASA, Miami, FL
Reconciling the System of National Accounts and the Distribution of Aggregate Statistical Discrepancy
The 2010 ASSA, Society of Government Economists session, Atlanta, GA
Empirical Evaluation of Methods for Temporal Distribution and Interpolation at the National Account
The 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings of the ASA, Vancouver, Canada
Weighted-Covariance Factor Decomposition of VARMA Models
NBER Time Series Conference, University of California-Davis
Reconciling the System of National Accounts and the Distribution of Aggregate Statistical Discrepancy
The 2009 Joint Statistical Meetings of the ASA, Washington, DC
Reconciling the System of National Accounts and the Distribution of Aggregate Statistical Discrepancy
The 15th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, Sydney, Australia
Weighted-Covariance Factor Decomposition of VARMA Models Applied to Forecasting Quarterly U.S. GDP at Monthly Intervals
Econometric Society of the ASSA, San Francesco, CA
A Balanced System of Industry Accounts for the U.S. and Structural Estimation of Statistical Discrepancy
The 2008 Joint Statistical Meetings of the ASA, Denver, CO
Further Model-Based Estimates of US Total Manufacturing Production Capital and Technology for 1949-2005
The 2008 World Congress on National Accounts and Measurement of the Nations, Washington, DC
American Statistical Association (ASA) member
Econometric Society (ES) member
International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) member
NBER-CRIW member
Society for Computational Economics (SEC) member
Society for Economic Measurement (SEM) member
Automatica Referee
China Economic Review Referee
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis Referee
EURONA Referee
International Economic Review Referee
International Development Economics Referee
International Journal of Forecasting Referee
Journal of Business Economics and Statistics Referee
Journal of Economics and Statistics Referee
Journal of Econometrics Referee
Journal of Environmental Economics & Management Referee
Journal of International Money & Finance Referee
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Referee
Journal of International Economics Referee
Journal of Official Statistics Referee
Review of Income and Wealth Referee
Survey Methodology Journal Referee