This page provides access to papers and presentations prepared by BEA staff. Abstracts are presented in HTML format; complete papers are in PDF format with selected tables in XLS format. The views expressed in these papers are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis or the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Accounting for Improved Brick and Mortar Shopping Experiences:

Brick and mortar retailers spent $484 billion providing “free” shopping experiences in 2016. For example, vehicle dealerships provide “free” test drives, book stores provide “free” book signings and grocery stores provide “free” food samples. To capture the value of “free” shopping experiences,… Read more

Rachel Soloveichik
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Improving the Measure of the Distribution of Personal Income

Developing a national account-based measure of the distribution of income from the commonly used Census based concept of money income has been the subject of earlier research. We use publicly available survey and administrative data to construct a distribution of personal income after enhancing… Read more

Dennis J. Fixler, Marina Gindelsky, David Johnson
JEL Code(s)D31, E01

Benchmark 2011 Integrated Estimates of the Japan-U.S. Price Level Index for Industry Outputs

This paper provides new benchmark estimates of industry-level price differentials between Japan and the U.S. for 2011 based on a bilateral price accounting model anchored to the Japan-US input-output tables. We apply the model to translate available demand-side data on purchaser’s price PPPs for… Read more

Koji Nomura, Kozo Miyagawa, Jon D. Samuels
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Accounting for Special District Governments in the U.S. National Accounts

Special district governments are a type of local government that may embody characteristics of both governments and private businesses and are an important source of public services. Given the combined characteristics of special districts and their economic importance, a complete and consistent… Read more

Melissa J. Braybrooks, Tina Highfill, Dylan Rassier
JEL Code(s)E01

Estimating Extended Supply-Use Tables in Basic Prices with Firm Heterogeneity for the United States: A Proof of Concept

This paper presents proof-of-concept trade-in-value added (TiVA) statistics estimated from extended supply-use tables for the United States that account for firm heterogeneity. The tables used to estimate the TiVA statistics extend recently-introduced supply-use tables for the United States by… Read more

James J. Fetzer, Thomas F. Howells III, Lin Z. Jones, Erich H. Strassner, Zhi Wang
JEL Code(s)L16

Accounting for Firm Heterogeneity within U.S. Industries: Extended Supply-Use Tables and Trade in Value Added using Enterprise and Establishment Level Data

This paper presents experimental trade-in-value added statistics estimated from extended supply-use tables (SUTs) for the United States for 2005 and 2012 that account for firm heterogeneity. The tables used to estimate the TiVA statistics extend supply-use tables for the United States by… Read more

James J. Fetzer, Tina Highfill, Kassu W. Hossiso, Thomas F. Howells III, Erich H. Strassner, Jeffrey A. Young
JEL Code(s)L16

Improving the Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials: a Posterior Simulation Approach

The randomized controlled trial (RCT) is the standard for establishing efficacy and tolerability of treatments. However, the statistical evaluation of treatment effects in RCTs has remained largely unchanged for several decades. A new approach to Bayesian hypothesis testing for RCTs that… Read more

Jeffrey A. Mills, Gary Cornwall, Beau A. Sauley, Jeffrey R. Strawn
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Predictive Testing for Granger Causality via Posterior Simulation and Cross Validation

This paper develops a predictive approach to Granger causality testing that utilizes k-fold cross-validation and posterior simulation to perform out-of-sample testing. A Monte Carlo study indicates that the cross-validation predictive procedure has improved power in comparison to previously… Read more

Gary Cornwall, Jeffrey A. Mills, Beau A. Sauley, Huibin Weng
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Implications of Geometric Cohort Depreciation for Service-Life Distributions

This paper decomposes cohort-level Geometric depreciation into a weighted average of individual non-Geometric forms. The individual forms are general enough to represent actual individual depreciation patterns adequately, and the weights on individuals resemble Gamma service-life densities under… Read more
Brian Sliker
JEL Code(s)None Assigned

Aggregate Effects and Measuring Regional Dynamics

Empirical models of regional adjustment often control for aggregate effects when estimating the impact of regional shocks. It is, however, difficult to filter out the effects of aggregate shocks— such as national recessions— because the incidence of these shocks varies across space and time. We… Read more
Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy, Kyle K. Hood
JEL Code(s)None Assigned