NEA Annual Update 2021 OECD Questionnaires
The System of National Accounts (SNA) is an internationally accepted set of guidelines for the compilation of national accounts. BEA actively participates in the development of these guidelines and strives to harmonize estimates with SNA guidelines and answering the annual update of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) questionnaires is one of many ways this work continues.
Once a year, BEA prepares estimates on an SNA basis in response to a questionnaire provided by the OECD. Estimates prepared as part of BEA’s 2021 Annual Update of the National Economic Accounts (NEA, which includes the National Income and Product Accounts and the Industry Economic Accounts), are adjusted to improve the comparability of U.S. national accounts statistics with those of other countries. These adjusted estimates provided by BEA are published by the OECD here. To learn what is involved in preparing these questionnaires, what improvements are in sight, as well as how these questionnaires are part of a larger effort, please refer to references linked below. The estimates provided to the OECD are presented under “Data Tables” below.
References and Contacts
- The National Income and Product Accounts and the System of National Accounts 2008 - Comparison and Research Plans | SCB, June 2015 PDF
- Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts for the United States: Draft SNA-USA PDF | Updates to this work are available in the Integrated Macroeconomic Accounts section of BEA’s Special Topics.
Data Tables
- Table 101: Gross Value Added at Basic Prices and Gross Domestic Product at Market Prices
- Table 102: Gross Domestic Product (Expenditure Side); Final Consumption Breakdown, Gross Capital Formation Breakdown, Exports and Imports of Goods and Services1
- Table 103: Gross Domestic Product (Income Side); Compensation of Employees Breakdown (ISIC)
- Table 107: Disposable Income, Saving and Net Lending/Borrowing
- Table 110: Population and Employment
- Table 111: Employment by Industry (ISIC)
- Table 117: Final Consumption Expenditure of Households by Durability
- Table 119: Simplified Nonfinancial Accounts by Sector
- Table 200: Main Aggregates of General Government
- Table 301: Output and its Components by Industry (ISIC)
- Table 302: Cross-classification of Gross Fixed Capital Formation by Industry (ISIC) and by Non-financial Fixed Asset
- Table 303: Labor Input by Industry (ISIC)
- Table 501: Final Consumption Expenditure of Households by Purpose, Expanded Detail
- Table 502: Final Consumption Expenditure of Households
- Table 800: Nonfinancial accounts by institutional sector (detailed)
- Table 900: Detailed Tax and Social Contribution Receipts by Type of Tax or Social Contribution and Receiving Subsector
- Table 1100: General Government Expenditure by Function
- Table 1500: Supply at basic prices with a bridge to purchaser prices
- Table 1600: Use at purchaser prices
- Table 2000: Cross-classification of Fixed Assets by Industry (ISIC) and by Non-financial Fixed Asset
- Table 2600: Balance Sheets for Non-financial Assets
1 As these tables are upgraded, they will be included in a set of tables under the publication category ‘International Presentation’ and then ‘OECD International Style Aggregates’