External Paper/Article
This Old House: Historical Restoration as a Neighborhood Amenity
Land Economics, Vol. 95(2)
External Paper/Article
Foreclosure Externalities and Home Liquidity
Real Estate Economics, Forthcoming
External Paper/Article
Weighted-Covariance Factor Decomposition of Varma Models Applied to Forecasting…, DOI: 10.1111/jtsa.12506
Improving the Measure of the Distribution of Personal Income
Wed, 02/06/2019 - 11:16
Working Paper
Developing a national account-based measure of the distribution of income from the commonly used Census based concept of money income has been the subject of earlier research. We use publicly available survey and administrative data to construct a distribution of personal income after enhancing the top income distribution in the Current Population Survey (2007 and 2012). We show that inequality measures are fairly sensitive to the definition of income contemporaneously and across time. This work helps bridge the gap between micro data and macro statistics and informs about results from other studies, such as Piketty et al. (2018).
Working Paper ID
Working Paper
Accounting for Special District Governments in the U.S. National Accounts (PDF)
External Paper/Article
Embracing heterogeneity: the spatial autoregressive mixture model
Regional Science and Urban Economics, Volume 64, May 2017, Pages 148-161
Attribution of Health Care Costs to Diseases: Does the Method Matter?
Thu, 12/13/2018 - 09:31
External Paper/Article
University of Chicago Press