The Bureau of Economic Analysis will release gross domestic product (GDP) by industry and GDP by state news releases covering the second quarter of 2023 later this fall.

Second quarter GDP by industry was originally scheduled for release on Sept. 28 and second quarter GDP by state on Sept. 29. BEA will send out an advisory with the new days and times when they become available. Personal Income by State, 2nd Quarter 2023, will be released as scheduled on Sept. 29 at 10 a.m. Eastern time.

On Sept. 28, in addition to the third estimate of U.S. GDP for the second quarter, BEA will release initial results from the 2023 comprehensive update of the National Economic Accounts, which include the National Income and Product Accounts as well as the Industry Economic Accounts. The comprehensive update will include revised statistics for GDP, GDP by industry, and gross domestic income.

On Sept. 29, in addition to U.S. personal income and outlays for August and state personal income for the second quarter, BEA will release the initial results of the comprehensive update of the Regional Economic Accounts.

Comprehensive, or benchmark, updates are typically conducted every five years. This marks the first time BEA will produce its comprehensive updates of the nation’s GDP and related data; industry statistics; and state statistics within the same timeframe, after a yearslong effort to synchronize these statistics. This coordination allows data users to move between consistent data sets.

For information on the comprehensive updates, refer to Information on Updates to the National Economic Accounts and the Preview of the 2023 Comprehensive Update of the Regional Economic Accounts in the Survey of Current Business.