An official website of the United States government
What are the effects of the BP oil spill on GDP and the national accounts?
What is included in federal government employee compensation?
BEA seems to have several different measures of government spending. What are they for and what do they measure?
How is the Federal Rebates for Energy Star Appliances program (popularly called "Cash for Appliances") reflected in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPAs)?
What is included in personal current taxes?
BEA has been cited as the source of data showing that taxes as a share of personal income were unusually low for 2009. Is that correct and what is the source of that data?
How will the effects of the earthquake in Haiti and U.S. relief and recovery efforts be reflected in the U.S. international economic accounts?
How are the allocations of special drawing rights (SDRs) to the United States by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in the third quarter of 2009 reflected in the International Transactions Accounts?
How is the COBRA premium assistance provision of ARRA classified in the national income and product accounts (NIPAs)?
Should I report on an accrual basis or cash basis on the BE- 140?
How can I obtain a MS Excel (.xls format) version of the BE- 140?
How is the federal Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act of 2009 (i.e., the CARS program) reflected in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPAs)?
How are personal consumption expenditures (PCE) prices and quantities derived?
What is the retail control method?
What is the Core PCE price index?
What changes in definitions and presentations will be introduced in the 2009 NIPA comprehensive revision?
How timely are the data that BEA uses for its monthly estimates of personal income?
What is an implicit price deflator and where can I find the GNP IPD?
How has BEA revised personal saving and the personal saving rate over time?
How do the GDP accounts treat the Federal Reserve banks?