An official website of the United States government
Can we use estimates?
How should I report transactions data on the BE-140?
How should transactions with international organizations be reported?
When reporting data by country, can regions be used instead?
Should I net losses against premiums?
Should I report on an accrual basis or cash/settlement basis?
My company has insurance transactions with the U.S. affiliate of a foreign company. Are these transactions reportable on the BE-140?
My company has insurance transactions with our foreign parent. Are these transactions reportable on the BE-140?
My company has insurance transactions with one of our foreign affiliates. Is this reportable?
Do I need to submit a hard copy of the BE-140 form if I am submitting the form by fax or eFile?
How do I obtain a blank copy of the survey?
The address and the contact person listed are no longer current. How do I update this information?
How should I file the survey?
How do I request a filing extension?
What is the Secure Messaging System and how do I use it for the BE-140?
When is the survey due?
Can my company be exempted from filing? At what level of detail should this survey be filed?
Why does my company need to complete the BE-140?
What are the insurance transactions categories covered by the survey?
Do I need to report if I did not have cross border insurance transactions during the reporting period?